Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Israel Commanded to Destroy the Wicked!

Nations the Lord commanded the Israelites to destroy: Amorites, Canaanites Hittites, Hivites and the Jebusites. Why would God command this?

The Lord commanded Israel as they went forth among these people and as they were delivered into their hands, that they were to destroy them. They were to spare none of the Canaanites, but were to completely destroy from off the earth. There were also commanded to destroy all remnants of them, particularly their places of worship, their alters and their graven images. The depravity of these nations was so terrible and infectious that Israel would have been polluted and destroyed.

These same types of sins can be found everywhere in the world today, we are not immune from them and must be cautious in our own lives. We can be sure that similar judgments will be poured out upon this world from time to time as the lord again prepares the earth for his return. Immoral sexually explicit behavior is the worst kind of behavior accepted by a people. The Canaanites had adopted prostitution and homosexuality as a form of worship and were proud of it. We need to be careful as a people that we do not embrace this trend that is creeping into our modern world with widespread acceptance.  

We can protect ourselves and our families by standing in holy places and honoring the covenants we have made with God. Giving ear to his counsel through his prophets and putting our faith into motion will keep us aloof and apart from the depravity of the world that would threaten our own destruction.

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