Thursday, March 26, 2015

Accomplishments of David
·         David is named anointed King over Judah.
·         Gains rule over all of Israel after 7 ½ years.
·         Establishes Ark in tabernacle house of the Lord.
·         Takes it to the city of David.
·         Victorious over the Philistines.
·         Moabites become his servants.
·         Syrians become his servants.
·         His posterity and kingdom will be established forever.
David, after being blessed and strengthened by the Lord, desires to build the Lord a house. David’s home would have been much larger and grander in comparison physically than the tabernacle which by now was several hundred years old. The Lord in David’s request, answers him through Nathan the prophet and is told that he is not to build him a house. The Lord declares that he has not commanded him to do so, and that he is not prepared to do so because he was a man of blood, or had seen much conflict and violence.
However, David is promised great blessings and that his kingdom will be established forever. The Lord promises David that his son will have the blessing to build a temple. He is promised that the Lords mercy will not depart from his son. This proved to be a messianic prophecy as well for the savior when born into mortality was a descendant of David and would have been next in line to the throne if they royal family had been recognized at the time. In this way Jesus was rightful heir of the Kingdom on earth as well as in Heaven.

If I were in David’s shoes, I would have been overwhelmed by the wonderful blessings that were bestowed on me as well as my posterity. To be promised that my family name would be that which the Savior of mankind would come through would be humbling. I would also be saddened of not being able to help in the building of the temple, while at the same time being over joyed that my son would be established and have the responsibility to do so.

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