Thursday, February 19, 2015

Week 6 Day of Atonement

The Lord, instituted many feast days among Israel, they all had their significance and always pointed back to Christ. The Day of Atonement was the most sacred of them all. This day served as a sign to Israel that they had been atoned for, and that they were restored to a state in which they could be fellowshipped with God again.
Aaron had to make atonement for himself and his house before he could offer and atonement for Israel. I believe this was necessary, because he represented the great high priest Christ who when he offered the literal atonement was perfect and holy, therefore the high priest officiating would need to be clean as well.Image result for day of atonement
Two goats were used as a in the ritual. One was sacrificed and its blood offered for Israel symbolic of Christ. The second was the scapegoat which had Israel’s sins vicariously placed upon it and being led out and left in the wilderness symbolic of Satan.Image result for day of atonement
I believe both goats helped to portray different aspects of the Atonement. One shedding its blood was to give life and the other to represent the taking of our sins upon him as well as separating our sin from us and seeing them no more. It also portrayed the vicarious nature of the atonement.

Image result for day of atonementWe have heard the word vicarious many times, we use it refer namely to temple work for those who have long slept and are not capable of performing the ordinances for themselves. God has always aloud this kind of merciful act of service to be performed by others as long as it was done by one having authority. So it is with the Atonement. Christ had the authority to perform the act and vicariously represented each of us as he offered himself, doing that which we could not do for ourselves, namely reconcile ourselves to God.

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